Surveillance objective:
Consumption Surveillance
Surveillance principle:
Ward-, Functional Area-, Outpatient Medicine- or Nursing and Care Home-based
Patient collective:
- Outpatients
- Residents in nursing homes
- Stationary patients
Short description:
Surveillance of Hand Disinfectant Consumption (HDC) at the Ward Level or in Functional Areas (e.g., Dialysis, Endoscopy), in Outpatient Medicine, as well as in Nursing and Care Homes. Optionally, data can also be collected as part of direct compliance observation and for the availability of hand disinfectant dispensers.
Detail description:
Performing hygienic hand disinfection remains one of the most effective methods for preventing nosocomial infections and is a standard measure in patient care in hospitals, outpatient facilities, and nursing and care homes. When conducted before infection-relevant activities, hand disinfection can reduce the patient's infection risk. When performed after contamination-prone activities and patient contact, hand disinfection can reduce the transmission risk of pathogens and also contributes to staff protection.
Observational studies have shown that there is often still potential for improvement in the frequency of hand disinfection. Conducting surveillance not only provides insights for identifying problem areas, but data collection and feedback to individual areas often improve the situation. Therefore, hand disinfection surveillance is valuable in Germany.
Direct observation of the frequency of hand disinfections is labor-intensive and usually covers only short periods. Determining hand disinfectant consumption, and thereby the estimated number of disinfections per patient or resident day or treatment case, is less labor-intensive and provides indicative insights into the implementation level of hygienic hand disinfection.
Direct observation of medical staff regarding indication-compliant hand disinfection during daily work is currently considered the gold standard for determining hand disinfection behavior/compliance. Observation allows for analyzing behavior and identifying specific errors, which can then be addressed with targeted interventions.
Furthermore, the availability of hand disinfectant at the "point of care" is essential for high hand disinfection compliance. To enable this, adequate provision of hand disinfectant dispensers is necessary. In HAND-KISS, dispenser availability can be systematically recorded, making any gaps visible and allowing for targeted corrections.
For Inpatient Areas of a Hospital
)For Functional Areas of a Hospital
For Outpatient Facilities
For Nursing Homes