Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Pathogen surveillance

How do I sign up for pathogen surveillance?

If the ward is not yet participating in ITS-KISS or STATIONS-KISS, you must first register it in webKess (Ward registration). Otherwise you can go to webKess on the respective ward under "Verwaltung" > "Surveillance-Plan: Zeitraum für Surveillance-Komponenten" select the pathogen surveillance for the current year. Further information on the surveillance components.

Do I need to get new approval from the ward manager to participate in pathogen surveillance if the ward is already participating in STATIONS-KISS or ITS-KISS?

No, renewed authorisation is not required as pathogen surveillance was already possible.

Do I need two registrations to record infections and pathogens on a ward? Where can I select the surveillance target?

No, you can pursue both surveillance objectives with one registration. Once your ward has been activated, simply make your selection in the ITS-/STATION-KISS module menu item under ‘Verwaltung’ > ‘Surveillance-Plan: Zeitraum für Surveillance-Komponenten’.

What do 3MRGN, 4MRGN and 3/4MRGN mean?

The definitions of MRGN can be found in the corresponding protocol for pathogen surveillance (page 15).

How should pathogen detection of gram-negative pathogens be handled within the KISS detection system?

Following the KRINKO recommendation, the pathogen surveillance in ITS-KISS and STATION-KISS distinguishes between 3MRGN and 4MRGN, since the 1st of January 2013. More information can be found in the protocol for pathogen surveillance.

Up to what date can I enter the previous year's MRE-KISS data? Can I correct the data retrospectively if necessary?

Please enter your data in webKess by the 15th of February of the following year, so that it is included in the reference data. Subsequent changes are possible.

What is the difference between MRSA-KISS or CDI-KISS and pathogen surveillance in ITS-KISS/STATION-KISS?

In MRSA/CDI-KISS, surveillance is hospital-based, whereas pathogen surveillance in ITS-KISS or STATION-KISS is ward-based.

Why do we always talk about MRE and/or CDI?

The pathogen surveillance introduced in January 2013 no longer only covers multi-resistant pathogens but also CDI. Since at least one pathogen (MRSA, VRE, MRGN or CDI) must always be recorded and CDI is not a multi-resistant pathogen, this linguistic peculiarity arises. You can select the pathogen in the ITS-KISS and STATION-KISS module menu item under ‘Verwaltung’ > ‘Surveillance-Plan: Zeitraum für Surveillance-Komponenten’.

Will CDI-KISS be replaced by the new pathogen surveillance?

No, CDI-KISS will continue to be used for surveillance of CDI infections at hospitals.

Is it also possible to carry out only pathogen surveillance or only infection surveillance in an intensive care unit / normal care unit?

Yes, you can also pursue just one surveillance target. It is possible to switch to both surveillance objectives or from one to the other without having to register again. Simply make your selection in the ITS/STATIONS-KISS module menu item under "Verwaltung" > "Surveillance-Plan: Zeitraum für Surveillance-Komponenten".

Where can I find the new NEO-KISS documentation forms for antibiotic surveillance?

The new data collection forms (patient history sheet incl. antibiotics & MRE case sheet) are available on the NEO-KISS-Page.


Is a screening required for every new patient admitted to NEO-KISS, or should only those cases be documented that are indicative of an infection in which MRE was then detected?

Patients do not have to be actively tested for MRE, but the MRE evidence (both infection and colonisation) should be documented.

Is MRE recording in NEO-KISS mandatory?

Yes, MRE recording is mandatory.


My colleague is taking over the support of webKess at my ward. Can I give her/him the access data?

No, the user accounts in webKess are personalised for reasons of data protection, so the password must not be passed on and access is only permitted to the person who registered.

I want my colleagues to have access to the KISS data of our ward, what do I have to do?

In this case, the person concerned must submit an access request for the desired ward using their own user account.
This requires the following steps:

First you need to log in to webKess with your own access data. Simply select the link "Zugriff auf webKess-Station or -Abteilung beantragen" on the left side. Then select the corresponding Surveillance module and enter the required data. Both the hospital abbreviation and the ward abbreviation must be given in capital letters (e.g. hospital abbreviation: ZZZ Ward abbreviation: CHIR1).

Afterwards you will receive an email with a document, which must be signed. For some modules (e.g. OP-KISS, ITS-KISS), the signature of the ward's senior physician is also required. This form must then be sent to As soon as we have processed the registration, the user will be informed by email and can access the KISS-data / module.

I manage several hospitals, do I need several user accounts?

No, you only need one user account and you can keep it even if you change employer. You can use your existing account to register wards for another hospital or to request access to wards in other hospitals.

I need a certificate of attendance for KISS. Where can I get one?

A certificate of attendance will only be issued as part of a KISS certificate, which is itemised by year and module. The application form for a KISS certificate can be found here. Please note that there are a number of conditions that must be met in order to receive a KISS certificate.

Which browser should I use to access webKess?

Please note that webKess no longer supports Internet Explorer. Please use an appropriate browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari. If necessary, contact your in-house IT department for support.

Internet Explorer has not been developed any further since 2015 and will only receive security updates from Microsoft until June 2022. The browser's limited functionality has therefore made it necessary for us to take this step.

Can I skip the documentation of infections for the ITS-KISS and OP-KISS modules?

You can temporarily pause the recording of infections for individual wards. To do so, proceed as follows:
Log in to webKess. Open the relevant ward/department. Click on the ‘Verwaltung’ tab in the navigation bar. Click on the ‘Pause Infektionserfassung’ link. Please enter the start date of the recording break, the end date can also be added later. Click on ‘Speichern’. You can also edit previously entered recording breaks by clicking on the pencil icon in front of the respective entry.

Where can I find the import specifications for OP KISS?

The specifications for the OP import can be found on the NRZ website (KISS Import).

Why do my surgeries have the status ‘Open’ after the introduction of the new "end of surveillance" on 1 January 2021?

With the introduction of the new "surveillance end", the existing surgeries have been translated as far as possible so that these surgeries receive the status ‘Completed’.

However, surgeries whose surveillance period had not yet expired at the time of translation (depending on the type of surgery, this is 30 or 90 days after the date of surgery) and whose surveillance was not terminated prematurely due to follow up surgery or death of the patient, were not translated.

It is therefore planned that the translation will take place again in order to transfer the remaining surgeries with a surgery date before 1 January 2021 to the status ‘Completed’; namely on 31 January 2021 for surgery types with a surveillance time of 30 days and on 2 April 2021 for surgery types with a surveillance time of 90 days.

This means that no manual post-processing is required for surgeries with the status ‘Open’ and a surgery date before 1 January 2021. Unless the monitoring stops early due to follow-up surgery or patient death.

My hospital/ward master data is incorrect, can you correct them?

In webKess, every participant with the required authorisation has the option of correcting the data themselves under ‘Stammdaten Krankenhaus’ or ‘Stammdaten Station’. To change the master data, please follow the steps below:

Log in to webKess. Open the relevant ward/department. Click on the ‘Verwaltung’ menu item in the navigation bar. Click on the link ‘Stammdaten Station/Abteilung’ or ‘Stammdaten Krankenhaus’. Correct the incorrect data in the corresponding fields. Click on ‘Speichern’.

Can I use the materials/logos from the NRZ website?

The use of materials, images and data from the National Reference Centre for Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections website is generally permitted, but only if the original source is acknowledged and if it is used for non-commercial purposes.

Suggested citation style:
„© Nationales Referenzzentrum für Surveillance von nosokomialen Infektionen“.
A specimen copy is requested.

The logo of the ‘National Reference Centre for Surveillance of Nosocomial Infections’ (NRZ) is a protected trademark and may not be used.


The logos of the respective modules may only be used by organisations that are participating in these modules.

KISS licence

What is a KISS licence?

The KISS licence is an individual qualification for entering data for selected KISS modules in webKess. The regular monitoring of this qualification ensures the quality of the collected data.

‘Qualified users generate more qualified data’

How long is the KISS licence valid for?

The KISS licence is valid for 24 months after successful completion of the final examinations. It authorises the holder to enter data in the corresponding KISS module in webKess.

Is there a transitional arrangement for the old KISS participants?

Yes, the KISS licence becomes mandatory when the corresponding learning unit for a KISS module is published. The following rules then apply:

  • Initially there will be a transition period of 12 months, i.e. all webKess users who have already entered data for this module can continue to do so as qualified users for 12 months, beginning after the publication date of the new learning unit.
  • Furthermore, the learning unit can be completed free of charge within the first 6 months and thus the KISS licence can be acquired for a further 24 months.
Can I take part in webKess without a KISS licence?

No, in future the KISS licence will be required to enter data in webKess. The KISS licence therefore replaces the participation in the KISS introductory course as the previous prerequisite for participating in a module.

How do I get the respective KISS licence?

You will complete an online course on an e-learning platform with a final exam. You will first be given an overview of the learning content, which you can then explore in more detail through videos and small blocks of questions. If you pass the final exam, you will receive the KISS licence for that module.

The prerequisite for participation in the KISS licence for a specific KISS module is the completion of the required basic courses.

How does the final exam work?

The final exam is taken online and consists of general questions and case studies on the KISS module. There is a time limit for completion. You can retake the exam 3 times. You have 90 days from registration to complete the final exam.

Can I still access the learning content after the final test?

Yes, you have access to all learning content for two years after we have authorised you. We will provide new information if major changes to a module make this necessary.

When does the KISS licence start?

The KISS licence is expected to start in mid-2025 with the learning unit for the KISS module OP-KISS and the corresponding basics. Further modules will be published and announced by us as they are finalised.

How do I apply for the KISS licence?

We will provide the appropriate application options in webKess to enable you to register.

How much does the KISS licence cost?

The KISS licence will initially be free of charge during the introductory phase. In the future, an expense fee will be charged. The amount has not yet been determined.

For which KISS modules is the KISS licence required?

The following learning units are planned:

Basic courses (prerequisite for the module-specific learning units)

  • KISS Basics
  • KISS-Definitions
  • webKess data management
  • Data interpretation & Feedback

Module-specific learning units

  • ITS-/STATIONS-KISS pathogen-surveillance
  • HD-Compliance / HAND-KISS
  • ITS-KISS infection-Surveillance
  • STATIONS-KISS infection-Surveillance
Do the basic courses have to be completed regularly?

No, as the KISS and webKess basics are not subject to regular changes, they only need to be taken again if there are major changes to the basic course. There is also a transition period of 3 months when registering for the KISS licence.