Point prevalence survey 2022 on nosocomial infections and antibiotic use in German hospitals

Dear PPS participants and interested parties,

In the months of May to July 2022, a point prevalence survey (PPS) on the incidence of nosocomial infections and the use of antibiotics in Germany was conducted as part of a European project by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The implementation in Germany was organised and coordinated by the NRC. Over 250 acute-care hospitals took part in the survey.

The final report, which summarises the most important results of PPS 2022, can be found here:
German national point prevalence survey on nosocomial infections and antibiotic use 2022, final report

Furthermore, the German protocol of the 2022 prevalence survey, the coding tables, the survey forms and the presentations of the PPS training events are available for download on this website.

We would like to thank all participating hospitals for their contribution.

Downloads - PPS 2022